
PNGC Power Maximizes the Competitive Position of Member-Owners

We provide our 16 member-owner cooperative utilities with economic and strategic value so they can offer customers the lowest cost power possible today and in the future. Our goal is to continue to increase the competitiveness of our electric cooperative member-owners.

Wholesale Power & Joint Operating Entity Status

PNGC Power is backed by over $1 billion in assets of its member-owners, which enables us to nimbly respond to the shift in the way that Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is now providing wholesale power. PNGC is BPA’s second-largest customer and our new contract fully recognizes PNGC as a Joint Operating Entity (JOE).

Our JOE status allows members to retain the benefits and cost-saving of aggregation via PNGC’s ability to jointly purchase power at wholesale from BPA. By coming together as PNGC Power, co-op utilities have more options than any one of them could have alone.

Board & Management

PNGC Power is governed by a board of directors comprised of professional utility managers from each of our member systems.

Our board members:

  • Have years of experience and a broad range of expertise in the power industry
  • Are active leaders in statewide, regional, and national industry organizations and associations

Plus, PNGC gains political strength because members are active and well connected in a wide range of arenas in the Northwest.

The relationship between the talented working board and experienced senior management at PNGC Power coupled with each co-op’s local, personal service is a powerful combination. It is the driving force behind the strength and success of the organization.